
Archive for February 22nd, 2010

The recent re-opening of the Tiger Woods scandal is the perfect example of the insanity that we live in. As much as we would like to blame the media, the truth is that we the public drives what the media reports.

The reason there was no sincerity in the apology made is because Tiger as well as those of us that still have our sanity, were more than satisfied in believing that Tiger was taking care of his private life, in the matter he chose to. It is only the interests of Accenture and other Corporate sponsors testing the waters of perceptions of the American public, before they make the final decision to drop him permanently, that reopened it. By now you all know what I think of that subject so I will give it a rest.

Why aren’t we as a public, much more upset by the inter-net,the Gerry Falwell’s, the Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck types that constantly lie and have those lies fanned by the ill informed and under educated, taking everything they say as gospel? If anything in this Country should be pulling us together, it is that we all agree, that when the lies are told that competent media should point out the errors, but Isn’t it also our responsibility?

If we or the media does not stop these lies now, then who will we blame when the radio stations and television networks, sound no different than the airway propaganda in communistic societies, sound? Some days when you listen to their rant and raves, it does sound as though, we are already there. Who will determine when broadcasting has over stepped it’s, ‘truth in reporting’? Will we then insist that it stop by boycotting it’s sponsors, or since the Christian Broadcasting Network and Fox news carries them, boycotting both networks, and letting them know we are fed up, or will we still think it is the other guys’ problem? Part of it,I am sure, is nothing more than the arrogance of the media and the lack of direction orthe huge amount of apathy that some of us carry in ourselves, that exists today. Some people are just so use to having anyone but themselves, take care of or suffer the hardships of life, that they simply will never care!

I know the press argues that it is freedom of speech. I like many, think they simply are not as courageous at taking these, ‘sue happy’ individuals on, for fear of their loss of personal comfort, as their predecessors did. I also believe to a certain respect these type of lies are suiting the pocket book or wallet of the employer that hires them or perhaps the Sponsors. Individual or private ownership of news reporting, no longer exist in our country, so it is much more difficult to go against the establishment, when told to yank or stop production of the story, that does alert the public to “truth in reporting.”.

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I hope no one came away from my last blog with the idea that I think adultery and breaking a marriage vow is not a big deal! I have said before and will repeat it, that I think it is the most degrading thing that one spouse,in a marriage,can do to another. When adultery happens, by one or both, then the marriage vows, in my estimation, are broken.

If there is anything that speaks of a person’s lack of value,louder, than adultery, then I do not know what it is. On that day that we all forsake all others and cleave on to each other, by the words of “For better or For worse”we are promising each other along with both of our families and friends, how much our own word means to us. Any person breaking a vow, is breaking the greatest thing that they will ever own, and that is their WORD.

When a Person’s Word is worth nothing then not much else is either. It is the only way any of us have of determining a person’s character. I’m not saying all marriages should last, but there are definite procedures a person should meet, before they drop their pants. One thing may just lead to another in the animal world but human’s are intended to put character before sex.

Marriage vows and promises made, ranks number one,even over the oaths taken by Doctors and Judges,in my book. Families are actually trusting a family of strangers to love their child as much as they love them and accepting the chosen Spouse into their family and DNA.

To the rest of us, Tiger Woods is no more than a Super Talent. We enjoy watching him play because of a great deal of both work and talent on his part. If we can not be a role model to our own children or find it in God, it is not Tiger’s job, or any sports or movie Icon’s job to do so. If it isn’t that we are holding him responsible to be a role model then we are looking for him to make money for us,period! I am sorry if a bunch of women that had absolutely no respect for the fact that he was married were hurt. They knew that, or should have known that, most sleazy acting, people will say what ever they need to say, in order to get what they want. These women were not exactly innocent on the score of sleazy behavior, themselves.

I, along with his fans, may want to see him play again, but we, know
or should know that his family’s healing has to come first, and we really don’t matter, in the long scheme of things. My hope for Elen is that she does not feel that she still has vows to protect but under
stands that he,not she,has already broken them.

The fact that he may be the best golfer that any of us will ever see in our life time has not one thing to do with adultery. The question was never if he owed US an apology but if his wife would be strong enough to recover from it? I wish her the BEST!

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